Posts Tagged ‘low back pain Lakewood CO’
Welcome to Green Mountain Chiropractic and Massage's low back pain Lakewood CO Archive. Here you can learn more about Green Mountain Chiropractic and Massage, Chiropractic, and Dr. Mark Wolff, today's choice for Chiropractors in Lakewood, CO. Read Dr. Mark Wolff's Chiropractic low back pain Lakewood CO for the health of it.
We look forward to serving you! Call - 303-986-5122.
by Dr. Mark Wolff | Mar 31, 2022 | Health Articles

Summer vacation is near! The excitement of warm weather and the well needed break from school or work is upon us. As the last school bell rings or the final confirmation of your travel plans arrives make sure you not only pack accordingly but prepare with these simple tips so you may enjoy the most of ...
by Dr. Mark Wolff | Feb 10, 2022 | Health Articles

Does every step you take cause you pain that radiates down your leg or legs? Have you become depressed with the pain or been through a series of pain injections to block this pain?
If so, read on.
Understanding A Cause - The Sciatic Nerve
Your sciatic nerve is the longest and widest nerve in your body, and ...
by Dr. Mark Wolff | Nov 9, 2021 | Health Articles

Back pain needs a good defense and offense just like a top-rated basketball team. Whether we are high caliber athletes or weekend warriors, it's time to stop defending the backcourt and invest in the proper shoes to avoid future injuries. This way we can make the slam dunk of the season - without any lasting ...
by Dr. Mark Wolff | Oct 5, 2021 | Health Articles

Autumn season is upon us! Our senses come alive as many of us are beginning to enjoy the sight of the beautiful and majestic colors displayed on our trees, the touch of coolness in the air, and the smell of bonfires. We know the beauty is short-lived for the beautiful trees soon lose their leaves ...
by Dr. Mark Wolff | Sep 28, 2021 | Health Articles

Fall is here! The first days of school have come and gone. Now the once excited kids bend over or strain shoulders to hold the overly heavy backpacks that contain their school books and folders. Unfortunately these over filled backpacks are heading our future generations into early back pain, neck pain, headaches and disease processes. According to ...